New York City Visit

by Goldie on June 15, 2012

in administrivia

Hey all! Next week is my birthday aaand  the Games for Change Festival.  Since I thought sitting around at home all alone wouldn’t be the best plan for this year’s birthday I signed up for the Games for Change Festival and will be heading out to New York City on Sunday the 17th.

My birthday is on the 19th, but the Festival already planned a party for my birthday, ok technically it is for the opening night of the Festival, but I can augment its reason for existing. However, I do know a lot of you in NYC who I’ve never met in person or I only rarely get to see, and I understand some of you will also be visiting NYC for the State of Now Conference.

To that end, I’m calling a meetup on Wednesday June 20th at Pacific Standard, which I understand is a great place and is accessible by the subway. The details are:


Where: Pacific Standard
When: June 20th, 2012 at 8pm-whenever
What: Get together because we can.

I hope if you are in the area you can come stop by.

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