From the category archives:


Poem: Tyrant Velhari

August 5, 2015

  Raiders gather round The fire of Jeeves Repairing to fight again Progression The boss swings hard Her damage is thrown Fighting with trial and fall Progression She calls her force Each comes to her side We counter and turn the tide This time – Progression 8/4/2015

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Tankless Fight

June 23, 2014

With Warlords of Draenor coming up and the ability to have gear change primary stats (and set bonuses) depending on what spec a person is in it will make spec swapping much easier.  This means it becomes easier to have more or less tanks or heals per fight without everyone gearing up and carrying around […]

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Journey – The Game

March 17, 2013

If you’ve read my blog much or know me at all you know I am interested in the nature of games:  how they work, how they impact people and how different elements of a game impact the player & develop the overall experience.  Because of this the game Journey has been recommended to me more […]

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Bugs and Patches and WoW

September 24, 2012

The other day I was hanging out in Mumble talking with some guildies (in iToons) and we were talking about bugs in WoW and how easy/hard it could be to find or fix a bug.  Most particularly we were talking about the “no xp from turning in dailies” that occurred at the start of Cataclysm […]

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GDC Day 2

March 7, 2012

For day 2 I expected to spend the whole day in the Games for Change Summit.  That was what brought me to the GDC page in the first page and made me think that it was time to go to GDC (at least for part of it.) However, at the end of yesterday I attended […]

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Day One at GDC

March 6, 2012

For the first day I spent most of the time in the IT summit sessions although I did slip in to a few sessions from some other tracks. This is my first time here, and given my mostly academic experience in the field (aka I’ve read some books and jotted down some ideas but haven’t […]

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Castleville – Game Break Down (rough version)

November 28, 2011

Ever since I read Jesse Schell’s The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses when I play a game I tend to look at what pieces are contributing to the experience and how the “Lenses” apply to that game.  Right now my memory of the lenses is a bit rusty, but I started playing […]

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SL Basic/Advanced Mode Viewer Review

March 31, 2011

It seems so odd posting about Second Life again, even though that is where all of this whole web 2.0 stuff stated for me, but here it is. The other day I downloaded the latest Beta Viewer for SL which include the initial version of Basic and advanced modes.  There are a lot of things […]

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Second Life and Minecraft

March 27, 2011

This post was inspired by a meeting of the meetup group currently known as Serious Second Life. We were discussing what we are working on and what our involvement currently is in Second Life. For many of us we are less involved in Second Life, while still busy in virtual environments or sometimes simply busy […]

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The Socialification of Games

November 19, 2010

I think by this point the idea of “social networking” and “games” being two separate worlds has melted away with the popularity of casual games on Facebook.  Very few people who use social networking sites have not heard of Farmville or Zynga, even if they don’t play the games themselves.  We also have been seeing […]

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