
Once an explorer always an explorer.  Goldie Katsu has been playing with technology since her childhood.  She first explored social networking and “new media” back in the dark ages of the network through usenet newsgroups and UNIX system forums. In the latest incarnation of social networking and new media she has been an early adopter and explorer of how to use and benefit from social networking tools and new media. On her blog she explores themes in technology, society, law and how all this relates to our increasing public and connected world.

In addition to writing she is actively involved in web video on streaming video sites such as Blogtv and Ustream, stored video sites like Viddler, and conversational video sites such as Seesmic and 12seconds.tv, and was an early user of many of these sites.

Goldie Katsu can be found on twitter.com/goldiekatsu and at her blog at http://blog.goldiesgabs.com

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