From the category archives:

Society and Culture

Out of the Fishbowl, or Are We Ready for the Middleman

June 3, 2007

I’ve been hanging out on twitter and on some of the BlogTV and Ustream live broadcasts put on by Jeff Pulver and Chris Brogan and one of the popular topics has been how do we get podcasting and videocasting out beyond the fishbowl . There are a few thoughts and ideas I have on this, […]

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Loss and Rememberence

May 22, 2007

In two days it will be the second day of Shavuot (for those of us outside of Israel), and it will be the one year anniversary of the passing of Dovid Weiss. I’d say Dovid was friend of ours, but really the relationship was different, he was more like family, more like a son. We […]

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Kings and Queens – or Kabbalah On One Foot

May 21, 2007

In a discussion on twitter about whether or not conversation is King I made a bit of a flippant comment “but a King is always best with a Queen, perhaps content is queen (although kabbalistically conversation is queen. I digress)”. To elaborate on this comment would take more than 140 characters, so I thought I […]

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Valley of the Fallen – Valle de los Caidos

May 17, 2007

Over on Kyte TV I uploaded some pictures of the Valley of the Fallen, which is located in Spain, to the North West of Madrid. I first visited Spain when I was 7 and that was when I first went to see the Valley of the Fallen. If you look at the pictures you can […]

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