From the monthly archives:

June 2007

The Gaming/Social Industry

June 7, 2007

I was reading W. James Au’s article on the gaming industry as well as Joi Ito’s article and I was struck by two things. The first was the irony of the fact that if the gaming industry really is as James Au describes it “young gamer dudes, serving an audience of young gamer dudes” that […]

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Folders of a Life

June 5, 2007

I am sorting through my late Mother-in-Law’s folders and papers and such, and this is a bit of a capture of my thoughts: Folders of a lifeStacked up and emptiedScrap by scrap.Ages of paper sorted through:Letters home,Pictures,Degrees,Licenses,And subscriptions.Now all empty of meaningExcept in the memories of those left behind.

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Out of the Fishbowl, or Are We Ready for the Middleman

June 3, 2007

I’ve been hanging out on twitter and on some of the BlogTV and Ustream live broadcasts put on by Jeff Pulver and Chris Brogan and one of the popular topics has been how do we get podcasting and videocasting out beyond the fishbowl . There are a few thoughts and ideas I have on this, […]

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