From the monthly archives:

November 2009

Thanksgiving with Relish

November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving is on the horizon, and I’m putting together the shopping list for the annual feast. It is funny how some meals become so tied to tradition. Certain holidays, like Thanksgiving just have so much tradition and memory. Perhaps there is a desire to keep the connection with the past or perhaps it is rather a desire to have a familiar moment in the year as we face so many challenges. I understand that many have memories of Rosh Hashanah, “Of course there is a brisket”, or other holiday meals. In our house it was Thanksgiving.

Since we ate at home so rarely common meals at home were fancy with Spanish foods or perhaps Middle Eastern fare. However, for Thanksgiving it was pure (US) American tradition. Our meals usually were:

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QT: Twitter as Content

November 23, 2009

A friend of mine tweeted about signing up for  I went over to see what it was. Basically, for a twitterer, you sign up, select what types of ads you approve and once a day it will tweet an ad in your stream and pay you for that tweet. (The example they gave on […]

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Kosher in Colorado

November 17, 2009

The phone announces a calendar alarm and I growl “What is it!?”. I look, and it states, “Pick up meat at Hillel, in 10 minutes”. “Eeep!”  I exclaim and run to change from workout clothing.  I had forgotten the meat delivery was today.   As quick as I can, I fly out the door and head […]

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