GDC Day 3

by Goldie on March 8, 2012

in Uncategorized

N.B. In spite of the GDC in the title this post is mostly about me – so feel free to skip if you were looking for some actual thoughts on GDC.

Day 3 for me was a big switch of gears for me. I only got the tutorials and summits pass, which means it’s the expo halls, and the odd session for the the last 3 days.

I’ll confess that day 3 was what I might call a low value day, mostly because of my attitude. It’s been about 18-20 years since I’ve wandered a conference floor, or gone to some event alone. That alone is a big change – added to that is that this is a new field for me, that I’m still in the learning/dabbling phase. All in all it left me rather off balance. I wandered looking a bit but not even sure how to start a conversation. Finally I found a corner to hang out in and played a little Quell and improved my mood enough to go out and wander a bit more. I did have a few good conversations.

Really part of the objective of this trip (GCD and then Valencia) was/is to shake me up enough to get me out of the rut I was in, even before Shamir’s passing. I suppose part of a shake up a get out process is actually being a bit shaken, so I’ll take day 3 as a good sign and see what day 4 brings.

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