From the monthly archives:

March 2012

Las Fallas

March 17, 2012

The festival is in full swing now. Today all day long there were constantly bands, complete with a retinue of Falleras, marching up one street or another and accompanied by the many explosions as everyone old enough to walk is setting off some firecracker or another. I think the guy at the pyrotechnics store was […]

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GDC Day 3

March 8, 2012

N.B. In spite of the GDC in the title this post is mostly about me – so feel free to skip if you were looking for some actual thoughts on GDC. Day 3 for me was a big switch of gears for me. I only got the tutorials and summits pass, which means it’s the […]

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GDC Day 2

March 7, 2012

For day 2 I expected to spend the whole day in the Games for Change Summit.  That was what brought me to the GDC page in the first page and made me think that it was time to go to GDC (at least for part of it.) However, at the end of yesterday I attended […]

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Day One at GDC

March 6, 2012

For the first day I spent most of the time in the IT summit sessions although I did slip in to a few sessions from some other tracks. This is my first time here, and given my mostly academic experience in the field (aka I’ve read some books and jotted down some ideas but haven’t […]

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