From the category archives:


In Memoriam

May 28, 2018

In Memoriam To the young and the old, Those lost on the battlefield, Days cut too short To give us ones long. Those who went forward And fight our wars I honor them, But today I remember those who gave all. Each one lost left a Vacuum behind Someone reaching out And finding none. For […]

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Erev Yom Kippur Thoughts

September 29, 2017

Can you return To that inner self Can you find your way To that still small voice That roars within? Can you walk the path Blindfolded With heart beating And follow The Song? Can you trust yourself And believe again To know that That which was lost Can be found? Is it the fools errand […]

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Royal Ground Coffee

November 19, 2015

Sunlight filters in As the clock reads eight. Sounds of conversation and The clicking of keys Float out in the coffee scented air. I sip and write Waiting for calmness And some insight To start my day.

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Poem: Tyrant Velhari

August 5, 2015

  Raiders gather round The fire of Jeeves Repairing to fight again Progression The boss swings hard Her damage is thrown Fighting with trial and fall Progression She calls her force Each comes to her side We counter and turn the tide This time – Progression 8/4/2015

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Writer’s Block

May 13, 2013

A silly poem for all the unwritten posts of the past weeks:   Bloggy bloggy let me write Know the way unto the light Past the turn style past the wall Let the ink flow, stop the stall. Bloggy bloggy written now Let me see the when, the how. Words to flow and patterns found. […]

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Moon Rise

November 28, 2012

The full moon rises And the two worlds join The sidhe dancing in the meadows Where the students laugh. The fool moon rises And the jester plays Dancing on the edge Where the weaving fades The full moon rises Shining light and shadow Dark rustles in edges Of the moonbeam’s shine. The fool moon rises […]

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The Time is Now

November 28, 2010

A few weeks ago my digital watch went kaput.  It’s a waterproof watch because I put my hands in water on a regular basis, and replacing the battery on those is a pain, because it usually breaks the waterproofness, and most places won’t replace it for you….because they can’t get the seal right either. At […]

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Post Shattering – Views of Deathwing

November 26, 2010

After the patch that brought the Shattering dropped, I hopped onto my new mage to check out the world (and maybe level a bit.)  I logged into Orgrimmar and was immediately lost.  I had no idea where I was.  I stumbled around the city trying to figure out where everything had moved, and eventually found […]

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Kosher in Colorado

November 17, 2009

The phone announces a calendar alarm and I growl “What is it!?”. I look, and it states, “Pick up meat at Hillel, in 10 minutes”. “Eeep!”  I exclaim and run to change from workout clothing.  I had forgotten the meat delivery was today.   As quick as I can, I fly out the door and head […]

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