Post Shattering – Views of Deathwing

November 26, 2010

After the patch that brought the Shattering dropped, I hopped onto my new mage to check out the world (and maybe level a bit.)  I logged into Orgrimmar and was immediately lost.  I had no idea where I was.  I stumbled around the city trying to figure out where everything had moved, and eventually found […]

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The Socialification of Games

November 19, 2010

I think by this point the idea of “social networking” and “games” being two separate worlds has melted away with the popularity of casual games on Facebook.  Very few people who use social networking sites have not heard of Farmville or Zynga, even if they don’t play the games themselves.  We also have been seeing […]

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QT: Are Touch Devices the New Paper?

November 18, 2010

My friend @alizasherman tweeted: Do you use an iPhone/iPod/iPad? Do you let your kid (under 10) use it? Tell me what you have/what they use & how old! And I was struck by how “current age” this question is. iPads/iPods and other touch devices are still relatively new. Do you give kids a chance to […]

Read the full article → – Hello Goodbye

November 8, 2010

Yesterday I found out that is going offline. To be honest I haven’t been stopping by there, and the .tv part of seemsic is mostly a vestige of how the company originally started, so its closing makes sense. Nonetheless I find myself greatly saddened (at 2am after my dog woke me up) and so […]

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A Walk About the PTR

September 29, 2010

I went on the PTR to see some of the changes such as what happens to stats that are going away, what to do the trees look like and the like. I figured that some people won’t be heading over to the PTR and might like to see what these things look like. Most of […]

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Gluten Free Oat Bread

August 8, 2010

I’ve been working on going gluten free for a while now.  For the most part it isn’t a big deal. I’m not a big bread or pasta eater.  Other than the occasional desire for pizza and/or croissants which happens rarely, and which I satisfy even more rarely there is little need to come up with […]

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Humor: Reply to WoW Dev Team on Reciept of Perky Pug

August 5, 2010

Dear WoW Dev Team, Thank you for my perky pug. He is a wonderful companion. Unfortunately he appears to have worms. I stopped by the pet store and Breanni didn’t have anything to treat him, and while the pet grooming kit has left him sparkling it doesn’t seem to have given the poor thing any […]

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Playing Video Games Can Boost Your Career?

July 21, 2010

A while ago I wrote about “The Gamer Divide” and how I think we are approaching a time when gaming is viewed as normal or even positive, instead of some thing that you might want to avoid mentioning. Just this week Forbes had an article on How Playing Video Games Can Boost Your Career. It […]

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The Voice of the People

July 11, 2010

A couple of years ago I and a number of amazing people put on a conference in Colorado called the Thin Air Summit.  At the time what we now call social media or online journalism or citizen journalism was still using the moniker “New Media”.  At this conference we talked about what this new media […]

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Pleasures of Food

July 6, 2010

Going from non-observant to an observant Jew has all sorts of challenges along the way.  One of the challenges is that the comfortable routines often go away as the places you hung out at become “not an option” due to reasons of kashrut.   Back when I lived in Santa Cruz my favorite way to begin […]

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